MindShift Potentials Can Help:
Stop Chronic Anxious Thoughts
Reduce Stress & Anxiety
Eliminate Limiting Belief Systems & Painful Emotions From The Past
Self Esteem & Self Empowerment
​Achieve Weight Loss
Quit Smoking
Enhance Sleep Quality
Boost Performance At Work
Address Grief
Anger Management
Phobias & Fears
Motivation & Productivity
Provide Assistance With Virtually Any Challenge For Which A Solution Has Been Elusive

Call Today To Determine How MindShift Potentials Can Best Support Your Goals

Through hypnosis we dive deeper to unearth your true aspirations, providing clarity on the path to pursue. We identify the factors hindering your optimal well-being. Through the application of hypnosis, we collaborate with your subconscious mind to dismantle outdated beliefs and self-judgment patterns, eliminating internal barriers and paving the way for you to realize your life's desires.
The journey involves a sequence of four to six hypnosis sessions, designed to reprogram your subconscious mind, guiding you toward the attainment of your goal. Conducted weekly, addressing one goal or improvement, these sessions last 1-1.5 hours and are conducted online, ensuring your comfort and safety while participating from the sanctuary of your home.
7th Path Self-Hypnosis ®, is a process of self-hypnosis which is a revolutionary step forward in self-hypnosis.
Uses a Mind-Body-Spirit Approach
Self-hypnosis is taught in the state of hypnosis.
Learn to deprogram your mind, eliminating old programs before you start giving yourself suggestions for change. This approach makes room for change.
7th Path Self-Hypnosis ® goes beyond conventional forms of self-hypnosis, and way beyond mere visualization techniques of the past.
7th Path System of Self-Hypnosis ® is taught online, available as one-on-one or group sessions, over a period of 9 weeks. The initial session lasts approximately 1.5 hours, while subsequent one-on-one sessions are approximately 45 minutes. Group sessions can extend to 1.5 hours in order to provide time to share experiences.

I'm Susannah Greason Robbins, and I'm eager to introduce you to the transformative power of hypnosis. My journey with hypnosis began when seeking help for a loved one's overwhelming anxiety and stress. After trying many approaches without success, hypnosis brought about significant changes in her coping abilities. Witnessing these positive transformations fueled my determination to master this tool and share its benefits with others.
I’ve also personally experienced the positive shifts brought about by hypnosis and this has ignited my passion for assisting individuals in rewriting their inner narratives and confidently navigating life. I want to help others overcome past traumas, “bad habits” and old beliefs that hold them back from being their best selves.
I hold several certifications in hypnosis including:
Certified Consulting Hypnotist, accredited by the National Guild of Hypnotists
Certified Master Hypnotist, accredited by the 5PATH® International Association of Hypnotists
Certified Hypno-Parenting Coach, accredited by Mind Your Power Holistic Consultancy
These certifications reflect my commitment to providing effective and compassionate hypnosis services.

"Susannah is a delight to work with. She has the ability to help me get to the underlying issues I didn't even know were blocking me from achieving my intentions. Even when I felt uncomfortable, I trusted her to support me. Never having experienced hypnosis before, I found it easy, relaxing, and it really works! I highly recommend Susannah's soothing voice to guide you to whatever you hope to accomplish.
~ Donna F, San Francisco Bay Area

"I came to Susannah because I wanted to stop eating sugar. After two sessions together, I was able to make a very big shift; most importantly, I no longer craved sugar. This change has been profound and has freed me from my life-long eating patterns. I am so grateful to Susannah for helping me completely change my relationship with food and free me from my addiction to sugar."
~ Christie A., SF Bay Area

"Susannah is an incredible intuitive hypnotist. She assisted me in overcoming social anxiety during social settings and networking events. With her expertise and gentle guidance, I not only shed my anxieties but also discovered newfound confidence, leaving me feeling free and calm."
~ Rosa W., New Hampshire

"My hypnosis with Susannah brought me back to myself, my inner self and guided me to a place of remembrance of who I am. It helped me to hold space for my inner child and helped me set intentions for myself that were full of hope and promise. It filled me with peace and love. What a gift."
~ Sharon F., SF Bay Area

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